Howdy Friends,
Many of our Coffee Clutch and Facebook friends know I'm polishing and fixin' up my novel, Tom Named By Horse. For some, this is the first you've heard of it. Tom Named By Horse is the first novel I wrote, (long before "We'll Have The Summer,") and the first of a trilogy about Tom Named By Horse. An Historical Fiction spanning the years from 1850 to1910. Of course it's a love story, and much more than that. The first book tells of a young Tom, orphaned on the prairie, sold to a sadistic buffalo hunter from whom he escapes – and immediately befriends Chief Red Cloud's granddaughter. Charged with a mission by Red Cloud, Tom selects the chief's granddaughter to travel with him. And that is just the beginning. This excerpt is from the first chapter, only days after escaping the miserable hider, Tom finds himself in Red Cloud's village. I hope you enjoy, and please leave your comments. Thanks!
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Kessy & me |
Tom Named By Horse –
Tom Named By Horse –
guided the wagon west, never speaking, both lost in their own thoughts. The day
faded as they trudged along. Occasionally the brave would offer an outstretched
arm, pointing the way. Darkness began to descend upon them, then the glow of
many campfires became visible on the horizon. The boy kept the mules stepping
out at a good pace and soon they drove into the Sioux village. When the wagon
stopped they were quickly set upon by many interested Sioux, other braves,
children, and women. Two Sioux women helped the wounded brave from the wagon. A
small group of women carried the dead brave away.
sat quietly watching, as those gathered round the wagon were told of the day's
events in a language that he knew only a very few words. He allowed his hand to
rest on the revolver at his side. But was
still watching with great interest, wondering how long he would need to sit
there on the wagon. Wondering how long they would allow him to live, when a
woman came to his side, and in perfect English asked “Do you have a name?”
young man spun about. His eyes must have betrayed his surprise. “Yes, I speak
English well, don’t I?”
... I mean ... Do you ...I mean … why do you?”
don’t you tell me your name first?” Her voice was soft and kind. Kind as her
blue eyes, and soft as the feel of her hand on his knee. He wasn’t used to
anyone asking his name. Or even anyone caring. He had long ago tired of “Boy.”
What should he say? Until this very moment, the boy had never thought about a
name. It had never been important. He sat looking at her, wondering why a white
woman was in a Sioux camp. She looked
like a Sioux, but he knew she was white.
she prodded.
“My name is ... Tom,” he said, taking the name of his horse.
Tom. My name is Rebecca, but the Sioux call me Still Water. I have been with
them many years now, but they still find me mysterious. Which I can often use
to my advantage.”
He studied her. She
was a very pretty woman, and very white. She was dressed like the other women
in the village, but she stood out with her fair hair, and blue eyes. Blue eyes
like his own.
“Would you like to come with me and meet my family? And oh, did you know you are a hero?” Tom climbed from the wagon and followed Still Water to her lodge. He had never been in a Sioux village before, much less one’s tipi. “I have asked a young brave to take care of your horse and mules.” Still Water told him as they walked.
“What will he do with them?”
“He will take them to the prairie where the Sioux ponies graze. The young boys watch over them there.” She raised the flap entrance to her lodge and signaled he should enter.
It was bigger inside than he imagined. Animal skins covered the floor. In the center a small fire made a peaceful warm light, which created dancing shadows on those seated round it. He stood inside the entrance and examined the faces of an old man, two grown braves, and one beautiful face of a young woman. All were seated cross-legged on the opposite side of the fire. No word or gesture was exchanged. Tom stood ridged, as if ordered to. His arms hung heavy at his side. The girl began to giggle, and then the young braves laughed and nodded. Their laughter made him uncomfortable, so he turned and fled to the outside.
From where he stood, Tom could see beyond the campfires, to where the horses were grazing. Thinking this would be a good time to be with an old friend, he found his way through the village to look for Tom Gray. As he hurried along to the moonlit open grassland, he could feel many eyes watching him.
It was a very large herd of horses. Perhaps hundreds. Most of them were boney and ribby. In the dark, with only the light of the stars and a thin slice of moon, he walked among the herd searching for his friend. Having no luck, he let go a loud whistle. Tom Gray responded instantly with his familiar nicker, and they found each other along the outer edge of the herd.
“What have I gotten us into?” Tom sat in the damp grass, watched the horses, and listened to their munching as they grazed. He'd always enjoyed just listening to his friend tear at the grass. This was a peaceful place. A place he could stay forever. All at once, the horses raised their heads, signaling someone’s approach.
“The mother of the injured brave you returned to us is in my lodge crying. Her son died in her arms.” Still Water told Tom in her soft, friendly voice.
Tom stood and faced her not knowing what he should do.
“The other brave you saved today, Iron Shell, is waiting at his father's lodge to meet with you. Come with me I will take you to him.”
He could feel the warmth of the small fires as they walked together through the sleepy camp. Mothers holding their children slept on blankets near their fires. Dogs followed them at a safe distance. Most of the lodges had fires inside, lighting the village in a fascinating way, with shafts of light escaping through slits in the buffalo hide walls, and open door flaps. As they walked along they assembled a line of followers, so that by the time they arrived at Iron Shell’s campfire close to twenty curious Sioux arrived with them.
Iron Shell rose to greet Tom, and signaled a place for him to sit, by the low fire. The ones who had followed formed a half circle behind them around the fire. Tom returned the greeting, and took the seat offered. Still Water found her place next to Iron Shell, who was seated beside his father, Chief Red Cloud.
A brave tossed a pile of branches to the fire, and for a few moments the group watched the flames jump, and a fine display of exploding sparks that drifted high overhead on the rising hot air. A bowl of meal and buffalo meat was passed around, and Tom took a healthy portion before passing it on. They watched the fire and ate for a long while, then when he was ready, Red Cloud turned to Still Water and spoke, using his hands to emphasize almost every word.
hope you enjoyed this tidbit – Please share your comments. Perhaps from time to
time I'll post a few excerpts as I polish. ….
Gitty Up ~ Dutch Henry
To read pt2- CLICK HERE
Love it so far :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tricia!!