Howdy Friends,
One important thing you can, and should do, for your horse
is to release her neck. While all power and propulsion should come from the
rear, everything for posture, proper body carriage and agility has its roots in
a free neck, free poll, relaxed axis, unlocked vertebrae and neck muscles.
Kessy loves the "Caterpillar" exercise. |
This nifty little exercise Peggy Cummings calls the “Caterpillar”
can insure your horse can move her head and neck (and therefore her body) comfortably, easily, with
grace and confidence. Sadly many horses are so tense in this important area they
are forced to “push through” the pain, restrictions and bad posture created by
the tightness, that comfort and grace are unattainable. Going along with the
discomfort is an impediment to their vision, when a horse is locked in this
area their vision is also impaired.
What causes this tightness? Many things, teeth issues, improper
foot care, tie downs, running martingales, horses on their forehands, rider’s poor
posture, poor fitting saddles, repetitive speed events, or anything repetitive,
riding over-collected, inverted and hollow-backed and so many more things the
list is long indeed ... But understand all horses will benefit from this exercise
even a retired pasture buddy.
This nifty little exercise, so easy to learn, can help so
Start by standing next to your horse in neutral, your
shoulders soft, one hand gently supporting at the halter noseband. Your other
hand cupped at the base of her neck with your thumb in the jugular grove,
fingers surrounding the vertebrae and heel of your hand resting on the big
muscle as shown here with Kessy and me.
This is a 3 step
exercise—First with your hand cupped and just enough pressure to move the
skin, push your hand along the big muscle, thumb in the groove, all the way
to her ear. Watch for the release, as you see Kessy doing. Note—some very
tight horses will back away or swing their heads because to offer a release is unknown
to them or they simply cannot give and flex they are that locked. Be gentle, do
not restrict, walk with her. In time the releases will begin.
Step 2—Begin
again at the base of the neck, your hands as they were the first time. You will
again travel to her ear along the vertebrae and groove, but this time your
fingers will grip the muscle and vertebrae as they walk along up her neck.
Think of a “caterpillar” walking up her neck. Apply a little more pressure,
enough to move the skin and sink your fingers in just a little, you do want to
move things. Your horse will guide you as to the pressure. She’ll say, “Back
off!” or “Yes that’s it!”
Step 3—Again
begin at the base, your hands in the same positions—Slide AND walk your hand up
her neck to her ear. Sliding your heel while your fingers walk, jiggle and grip
all together in a fluid motion. Moving skin, muscle and releasing vertebrae all
along her neck to her ear and axis. REMEMBER—Do Both Sides— Even the
first time you do all 3 steps, at this point you’ll see a change in her
posture, her eyes, her softness and awareness.
For some extremely locked horses it will be a challenge, be
gentle, take it slow. Some horses will offer a series of releases even as your
hand moves along, be sure to allow them, watch for them.
Kessy and I hope you’ll add this little exercise to your
daily routine. All horses can and will benefit from this and once you’ve
mastered it together it will take about 3 minutes to do. The changes you’ll
discover in your horses attitude, posture, grace, beauty and contentment will
astonish you.
Gitty Up, Dutch Henry