Howdy Folks,
On April 9, 2013
I posted the first installment of "Coming Home" and then followed
with Pt 2, on April 10, Pt 3 on April 11, Pt 4 on May 8, Pt 5 on May 21, Pt 6
June 18, and Pt 7, July 31, Pt 8, Oct 15... If you're just joining us you can find Pt 1 (HERE),
and each segment has a link to the next (If you'd like to revisit Pt 8 CLICK HERE) … In Pt 8 we left Billie and Hector alongside the road at the second
crime scene of the day … I hope you'll enjoy this next installment.
Kessy, Saturday & me - writin' in the barn |
Coming Home - Pt-9
She put her hand on his shoulder and gave
her most assuring smile, "Hector, why don't you call me, Billie? After all
we are equals, quite possibly going to be partners." She had a pang of
guilt for saying that last part. Poor Roy was supposed to be her partner and he
died before they ever worked together.
"Billie," he tried it out.
Shook his head. "No, I do not think Billie sounds right. I think I will
stay with Miss Weston. If you approve, Miss Weston."
"I approve, and I don't mean any
disrespect when I call you Hector. Hector."
"Hector was my grandfather's name.
It is a good name."
"Okay then, Hector, now that we know
who we are, let's go examine our second crime scene for the day. I could have
stayed in Nashville if I wanted to be this busy."
The car was nothing worth looking at out
here, and even if she wanted to, it was still too hot. But the body, way on the
far side of the road, that called for her attention. She outpaced Hector and
squatted next to the body dressed in an above average looking suit, lying face
down, almost comfortable looking. Her eyes were drawn immediately to the little
patch of dried blood beside the dead man's face. Then she saw the little dark
red, almost black spot in the back of his head. Just like the wound Juan del
Paso had. And exactly the same location. She would roll him over, to look at
his face. But she already knew who it would turn out to be. Andrew 'Quiet Man'
Kent. She shook her head, well he's a quiet man now alright.
Hector rolled him, then looked at Billie
with a big question mark on his face.
"I know," she said. "Why
go to all that bother, kill Roy, kill Juan, just to bring him way out here, and
shoot him too?" Billie rocked back, then sat on the road. One of the
firefighters called out.
"Could you go see what they want? I need to
think about this."
"Sure Miss Weston," Hector said
and started away.
Billie's phone rang. She looked at the
"Hello Sheriff ... Yes, we're here.
How's the family holding up?"
"It's rough. Been in law enforcement
twenty-five years, never had anything strike in my own back yard before.
Mary … Well the doctor gave her something, she's asleep now. Wish I was." He
stopped, Billie could hear him sob. After a second he started again, "I
don't feel much like this Sheriff crap anymore."
"I understand." Billie said.
"Oh Christ, Billie. I can't focus. I
wanted to say, your Mom and Dad are on their way here. He called about ten
minutes ago, I tried to talk him out of it, but your father's a determined man
when he … Anyway what the hell did I want to say?"
"Ask about this mess I
"Yea that's it. What happened, a bad
"Under the circumstances, I wish I
didn't have to tell you now, but, we found the prisoner Roy was
transporting." She paused, but not long enough for Sheriff Lovell to
speak. "He's the dead man on the road in your phone call. Shot, small
caliber, in the base of the skull. Just like Juan del Paso. Why would someone
spring him, to kill him a few hours later?"
She heard the Sheriff take a long breath,
then a few steps.
"I'm trying to think. Listen Billie,
if I hand this to you. What are your plans. I mean, I don't think I can handle
this tonight. Understand?"
"Completely. You take all the time
you need. Right now, I'll call the coroner and have Deputy Montoya wait for
him. I was planning to visit Sara Muguara tonight. If I get bogged down
tomorrow I might call Under-Sheriff Calhoun. Thought about the State Police,
but you want to keep it home-grown. Honestly though Sheriff, I think it is more
than a local crime."
"Dale Calhoun is a hard man to get
along with, but you go ahead. I gotta go. Sit down … But you tell me everything
every step of the way."
"Sheriff, who called you? How'd they
get your home number, or your cell?"
A long pause, then, "I'm… don't
Gitty Up ~ Dutch Henry