Monday, November 5, 2012

A Perfect Day!

Howdy Folks,

Ah what a fun day Kessy had yesterday as she continues to expand her boundaries and explore the world. We loaded onto the trailer to go our friend Chris Cooper's house and ride a little, in the company of other horses. I'm the kind of fellow who likes to take things slow, some would say, too slow. But I'm most comfortable with baby steps ... And I've always felt most horses are, too. So yesterday's adventure was a big deal to Kessy and me. It is so wonderful to have a friend willing to be help out.

Kessy's getting pretty good at loading here at home, still need the "rattling grain can" and I expect we will for a long time, but it's the loading away from home that worries me, especially when there are other horses she'd like to visit longer. But all went well. We got there and rode about a half hour around the barn and in the pasture, near but not with other horses. Even though Kessy was very nervous she was wonderfully obedient, with only a few high stepping moments, and one "almost crow-hop." Chris walked with us as a companion for Kessy, showing us the way, and Kessy loved that! They've got a beautiful pasture that meanders up and down hills and around and through lovely trees. Kessy was tempted to run a few times, but with a head shake, to let me know she disapproved of my request to keep it a walk, she did, with a slight bounce or two tossed in, just to make her point. She knows how to make me laugh.

Time to go home, back at the trailer, Kessy balked a bit about loading. It took about 5 minutes of "grain can rattling" for her to step in. For a moment I was worried she would not leave the other horses, but all at once she just stepped right in. That was a big deal for me, and her.

Back at home I decided she should have a chance to hit the trail on familiar grounds, so Kessy, Saturday and I set out for a hike. With hunting in full swing right now, and the bad weather, it had been 10 days since we'd been out and I know she missed it ... And I wanted her to end the day with working a bit on trails she was fully confident on because she was still a bit nervous even when she got off the trailer at home ... And here at home I said yes to her request for a stone tossing flat out run ... Head low, ears pinned, her beautiful black mane flying in my face, the wind whistled in my ears as we flew down the trail. Of course we had to wait a spell for Saturday to catch up after her light-speed dash.

We had a delightful ride. Saw plenty of birds, a few beautiful fall asters, some brilliant red maple leaves … and a set of really big bear tracks. I mean granddaddy size bear tracks ... I stood Kessy next to them in the mud so she could make a track to compare, and by golly those tracks are slightly bigger than her hoof print!

All in all a perfect day, and I hope you have one today too!

Gitty Up,
Dutch Henry


  1. Glad you had such a good time. And you should be applauded for your nerves of steel and proceding onward those few times Kessy wanted to get a little high.

  2. Ahhhhh.......don't you love it the feeling of success? You sound like a proud Poppa!! You and Kessy have made some great strides this Fall. Trailering is a big deal! I think I get more nervous than my horses when we begin the loading. They pick up on that, of course, and make the most of my insecurities. Silly girls :) love your finish at home.......what a great way to end the day. Sounds like Kessy thought so too. Great visual of her mane flying.....I am sure you had a grin from ear to ear. Have a great day Dutch:)

    1. Thanks Kathy! ... We are having a great time together as Kessy continues to master new challenges and explorations! .. Thank you for always being a part of our journey by reading our stories and cheering us on!

  3. Thank you so much Chris for opening up your home and property to help Kessy learn and grow!

  4. Dutch, it warms my heart and gives me support to read your stories about Kessy's progress as I am traveling the same journey with my three!

    Ride to Remember!
