Coming in a few weeks, “A Dog Named Saturday.” My children’s book about our most spectacular, sweet and loving beagle. Not only is Saturday the most loving of all dogs, he is also a very, very wise dog. He knows things like, “Good is even better when you share it with friends.” And, “Love is much better than everything, because with love everything is better.”

This is a book about a little dog who woke up every morning just to make everyone he met happy. It’s what he did. Through the stories he spreads love and happy, and most stories have a bit of honesty and guidance for young ones.
We have world class illustrator Troy Locker Palmer creating the most delightful illustrations. Seen here are Saturday, Fluffernutter one of the barn kitties and Kessy the horse. Isn't Troy incredible!

This is first of Saturday’s series of children’s books. He has way too much love, kindness and wisdom to share with young ones of all ages to stuff into just one book. And we are creating Saturday memorabilia. Fun stuff, and are designing his Holiday piece right now.
Keep in touch, follow the fun, tell all your young ones, Saturday is bringing the love. And if your young ones should have a question they would like Saturday to answer, please send them to us.
Please "Like" our A DOG NAMED SATURDAY facebook page. And tell your friends.
~ Gitty Up, Dutch.